Bureaucratic autonomy is a useful tool to study international organisations‘ legitimacy and effectiveness in global governance
Jörn Ege, Researcher in Autonomy Project
Posts by seckhard
IPA Researcher Dr. Barbara Saerbeck receives scholarship of the Freie University Berlin
IPA Researcher Dr. Barbara Saerbeck from the research unit project ENVIPA recently received an “University Alliance for Sustainability”-scholarship of the Freie University Berlin to strengthen the scientific network ties between […]
IPA researchers host panel at the 9th ECPR Conference in Montreal
IPA researchers Dr. Ronny Patz (LMU) and Dr. Steffen Eckhard (LMU) hosted a panel at the 9th European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) General Conference at the Université de Montreal […]
Nina Kolleck and Helge Jörgens receive start-up funding for an interdisciplinary project
Prof. Dr. Nina Kolleck and Dr. Helge Jörgens from the research unit project ENVIPA recently received initial funding for their newly initiated project International bureaucracies as agenda-setters? A Longitudinal Analysis […]
Young Researchers Group meets for a Rhetorical Skills and Interview Techniques Workshop
How do you optimise your personal impression during public appearances? How do you capture an audience’s attention during the presentation of an academic paper? Can I account for gender effects […]